Never Heard of It (Discussion 9/11 – 9/13)

Lyza Danger Gardner, the Author, points out that it is alright to admit you don’t know something, to seek help if you need it, and even though it may take some time, you can do what you want with enough practice/learning.

My viewpoints on this

I believe that I need to admit not knowing certain things. Many times I have been in situations where people expect me to know something, so I accidently lie about it. I am also a strong supporter of getting help. If you don’t no something, ask around. If need be, use Google or another Search Engine, and find out what you are looking for. Plus if you don’t practice or learn from your mistakes, what good are you doing yourself?

While surfing the web, I found a website that is specifically made to help make websites. This website is very useful, because it has courses on how to build a website, plus many videos about things like games from a coders perspective. I feel that if a person is having difficulties and cannot find help from a person, this a good website to use as a backup.

My First Blog Post!

I hope to learn how to create websites and maintain them for future clientele. I am most excited to be in this course because it seems like a very enjoyable job, and I get to learn coding. One of the main things I enjoy about the web, is how it can connect people from anywhere in the world. Some examples of this are Social Media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.); Gaming websites/platforms; hey even blogs like this. Communication is easier now than ever before. We carry devices on us every day that allow us to talk to, or even text, people on the opposite side of the world. The internet has allowed us to stay up to date with news of the world, and news in our own lives. Thank you for reading this, and remember, your friends and family are only as far away as your phone.

How the internet works in an nutshell.
How the internet works in an nutshell.
People connected by the internet by CityWebCompany Internet Marketing Experts Denver CO (for educational purposes only)
The internet by CityWebCompany Internet Marketing Experts Denver CO (for educational purposes only)