Top 5 things I recently learned about Google Analytics and SEO

Here is my list of the Top 5 SEO tips

Google Analytics

Google analytics (or GA) is a great tool that allows you to see how many people come to your website, as well as how many are new or repeat viewers.

This is a recent example of my current sessions by people.
This is a recent example of my current sessions by people.

G A also has many other functions that allow you to ensure that your website is running smoothly.

Broken Link Checker

If you have broken links on your site, it can confuse your audience, and leave a bad taste for your site. This can happen when, for instance, you have a YouTube video linked on a page, and the video has become no longer available. It can also be caused by changing the URL to a page on your own website, which leads us to our next tip.

Safe Redirect Manager

A safe redirect manager can help you automatically send people to the right page, if there is a problem with it. Depending on the situation it may show one of these error messages.

These are the redirect messages.
These are the redirect messages.

For example, if you permanently move a page to another place, it will give a 301 and then instantly redirects them to the proper URL.

Black Hat vs. White Hat

This info-graphic should help explain the differences between Black and White Hat Tactics. Black Hat Tactics can severely effect your reputation and make it difficult to get back your good reputation.

seo white hat vs black hat infographic By

OpenGraph and Twitter Cards

The main reason for including these in your code, is that if someone shares your link on Twitter or Facebook, it will show an image and a small description for your site. Depending on how you have it set up it may show one image for everything, or it may be an image from your article.

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