7 Tips to Clean CSS You May or May Not Know

  1. Clean VS. Messy Code – If you are making a CSS intensive site, sitting and staring at a mess of code can rack your brain. However, if you use comments, you can make it easier for yourself, and/or other people.
  2. Comments – Comments can easily explain code that you used to anybody viewing the code, and are not valid code. For instance, if you wanted to let people know the color codes for different Hexadecmial Values you can make a “Guide” using comments. An example of this would be something like


    # Dark Grey (Text): #333
    # Dark Blue (Headings, links): #000066
    # Mid Blue (Header): #333399
    # Light Blue (Top Navagation): #CCCCFF
    # Mid Grey: #666


    This is obvious to the reader but the browser does not “see it”.

  3. Shorthand – If you have have to change five or so lines of code just for thing to happen, it may frustrate you. That is why depending on what you are styling, you can just go to one line of code and change what you want. For Example: Instead of typing

    body {
    margin-top: 20px;
    margin-right: 20px;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    margin-left: 20px;

    You can type:

    body {
    margin: 20px 20px 20px 20px;

  4. Master CSS – To save loading time, you can create a Master CSS file. What this allows you to do is import multiple CSS files to one and use only that in your HTML. This way, the page only has to load one file as apposed to countless numbers of them.
  5.  Structure Template – If you are planning on making many websites using a similar design, you may want to use a template to reduce coding time, if you have already coded it.
  6. Unnecessary Line Breaks – If you have too much white space, it will take longer for the page to load, and is actually not as clean as less white space. If you only have one expression in a set of brackets, just use one line.
  7. Remove Unused Selectors – If you forget about a selector, or refer to it somewhere else, you should delete it. It causes the page to load slower and uses unneeded lines of code that may or may not do anything.


Also from watching the CSS Visual Optimization course on Lynda.com, I leaned that I need to comment more and use less white space.

Top 4 types of Website Designs

Flat Design

Flat Design websites are so atractive because of the minimalist approach. As in, there is not too much stuff going on that it is unbearable, but it is not too little that, it looks bland.
The three website styles I would take from for a personal chef would be, tioluchin.com, risotteriamelottinyc.com, and aquaceutic.pl

This is why for each of them:

  • tioluchin – the loading bar on the side of the page
  • risotteriamelottinyc – The menu
  • aquaceutic – the slanted homepage
My three favorite tags on awwwards.com are:
  • Animation – The sites share an animated aspect, such as interactivity. Sites that involve animations such as mediaelection.com are what would go in this category. These sites appeal to me because, I enjoy the interactivity and find most to be aesthetically pleasing.
  • Graphic Design – These sites are all specifically made to be aesthetically pleasing. mediaelection.com is also included in this category because it is very graphically pleasing. The graphic design sites are great for sites that you want to show off your artwork and things of that nature.
  • Minimal – This type of website is usually pretty bland, but not so bland, you just leave the site. A good example of this is trefectamobility.com. It has a nice simple design. I like this style because of how simple and sleek it is.

aquacetutic-pl_slanted_homepage risotteria_melotti_nyc_menu tioluchin-com_sidebar

7 important tips and tricks to creating an amazing website!

The Five Best Things I have learned about coding.

In no particular order the coding tips I have learned are:

  • Characters Encoded – If it is a special character, it’s encoded.
  • Hierarchy – Title tags are reserved for real content, and follow a clear hierarchy.
  • IDs – Used anytime an element appears only once on the page and cannot be targeted any other way.
  • JAVASCRIPT – jQuery (the most beautiful JavaScript library) is served from Google. Only a single JavaScript file is loaded. Both scripts are referenced at the bottom of the page.
  • Valid – The markup adheres to W3C validation. Tags are closed, required attributes used, etc.

I have not been doing enough commenting, which I should. Commenting helps clarify bits of code, for someone else, or for yourself. You may have hundreds of lines of code, but if you want one specific bit of coding, your best bet would be to add some commenting.

The two things I needed to look up while learning more about this.

jQuery- as they say on their website, jQuery Logo

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.

W3C – The World Wide Consortium is defined as,w3c logo

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. Led by Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee and CEO Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C’s mission is to lead the Web to its full potential. Contact W3C for more information.

Meaningful CSS: Style Like You Mean It (Discussion 10/02 – 10/04)

Meaningful CSS

Jeffrey Zeldman said “In a site afflicted by classitis, every blessed tag breaks out in its own swollen, blotchy class. Classitis is the measles of markup, obscuring meaning as it adds needless weight to every page.”

Semantic Coding

Semantic Coding is defined as “a specific type of encoding in which the meaning of something (a word, phrase, picture, event, whatever) is encoded as opposed to the sound or vision of it. Research suggests that we have better memory for things we associate meaning to and store using semantic encoding.


ARIA is a technical specification published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that specifies how to increase the accessibility of web pages, in particular, dynamic content and user interface components developed with Ajax, HTML, JavaScript and related technologies. On 20 March 2014 WAI-ARIA 1.0 became a completed W3C Recommendation. The Author mentions it because it, along with other additional platforms, are included in the new age of coding.


Microformats are HTML for marking up people, organizations, events,locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumes, recipes etc. Sites use microformats to publish a standard API that is consumed and used by search engines, browsers, and other web sites. See what-are-microformats for more.

While looking around on the site this article was originally published, I found a good article about Graphic Design. If you are like me, then you are talented in some fields of web design, but you struggle in the graphic designing department. This article helps you understand what to do and how you can make it easier on you and a designer to work together.

Just remember, if you are bogged down with too much stress, take a break, relax, and keep an open mind.

Never Heard of It (Discussion 9/11 – 9/13)

Lyza Danger Gardner, the Author, points out that it is alright to admit you don’t know something, to seek help if you need it, and even though it may take some time, you can do what you want with enough practice/learning.

My viewpoints on this

I believe that I need to admit not knowing certain things. Many times I have been in situations where people expect me to know something, so I accidently lie about it. I am also a strong supporter of getting help. If you don’t no something, ask around. If need be, use Google or another Search Engine, and find out what you are looking for. Plus if you don’t practice or learn from your mistakes, what good are you doing yourself?

While surfing the web, I found a website that is specifically made to help make websites. This website is very useful, because it has courses on how to build a website, plus many videos about things like games from a coders perspective. I feel that if a person is having difficulties and cannot find help from a person, this a good website to use as a backup.

My First Blog Post!

I hope to learn how to create websites and maintain them for future clientele. I am most excited to be in this course because it seems like a very enjoyable job, and I get to learn coding. One of the main things I enjoy about the web, is how it can connect people from anywhere in the world. Some examples of this are Social Media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.); Gaming websites/platforms; hey even blogs like this. Communication is easier now than ever before. We carry devices on us every day that allow us to talk to, or even text, people on the opposite side of the world. The internet has allowed us to stay up to date with news of the world, and news in our own lives. Thank you for reading this, and remember, your friends and family are only as far away as your phone.

How the internet works in an nutshell.
How the internet works in an nutshell.
People connected by the internet by CityWebCompany Internet Marketing Experts Denver CO (for educational purposes only)
The internet by CityWebCompany Internet Marketing Experts Denver CO (for educational purposes only)