Upcoming Shows
Band Name Time Date
Data is updated every 15 minutes
ACDC 9:00 pm January 9, 2017
Billy Joel 9:00 January 14, 2017
Rick Astley 5:00 February 5, 2017
Louis Armstrong 1:00 pm July 6, 2017

Hello and welcome to our Website!

We created this company, with a dream in mind. The dream: To make coffe and music not just an event, an EXPERIENCE!

We each have been friends for as long as we can remember. We have always had different tastes in music.

The way we chose our name was, all 3 of us shared one musical intereset, The Beatles. We were listening to their song while drinking our special coffee.

The Coffee: This coffee is from a far away land, where the coffee beans are 20 times larger than normal.

This coffee was found on a planet just beyond our solar system, and was sent back by the Voyager probe on it's way out.